Treating Worn Teeth: Comprehensive Solutions at Bellevue Dentist
A worn tooth is the loss of tooth tissue from factors other than decay. Worn teeth can be repaired through cosmetic dental procedures to prevent them from further wearing down. These procedures can also help restore the teeth’s pleasing appearance and function. Read below on causes, symptoms, and methods for treating worn teeth with Bellevue Dentist.
What Causes Worn Down Teeth
Minor dental issues cosmetic contouring can remedy are:
- Age: Natural wear and tear of teeth throughout their lifetime.
- Teeth grinding: Also known as attrition or bruxism, teeth grinding is the clenching, gnashing, or grinding of teeth. Stress, sleep disorders, or certain medications can cause it.
- Erosion through chemical destruction: Citrus fruits, starchy, sugary foods, and drinks are very acidic. Their acidity “eats” away the protective layer of the tooth called enamel. Furthermore, when bacteria interact with sugar, they produce acid. Frequent vomiting can also cause the expelled stomach acid to interact with teeth.
- Abrasion or chewing things you shouldn’t: Outside forces like chewing pencils, ice, and fingernails can speed up tooth wear.
What are the Symptoms of Tooth Wear
When the enamel of the tooth wears down, the person may experience the following:
- Cracks or chips on the tooth surface
- Indentations on molar chewing surfaces
- Yellowing or discoloration
- Transparent-looking tips of front teeth
- Increased sensitivity
- Teeth look noticeably smaller