
Treating Worn Teeth: Comprehensive Solutions at Bellevue Dentist

A worn tooth is the loss of tooth tissue from factors other than decay. Worn teeth can be repaired through cosmetic dental procedures to prevent them from further wearing down. These procedures can also help restore the teeth’s pleasing appearance and function. Read below on causes, symptoms, and methods for treating worn teeth with Bellevue Dentist.

What Causes Worn Down Teeth

Minor dental issues cosmetic contouring can remedy are:

  • Age: Natural wear and tear of teeth throughout their lifetime.
  • Teeth grinding: Also known as attrition or bruxism, teeth grinding is the clenching, gnashing, or grinding of teeth. Stress, sleep disorders, or certain medications can cause it.
  • Erosion through chemical destruction: Citrus fruits, starchy, sugary foods, and drinks are very acidic. Their acidity “eats” away the protective layer of the tooth called enamel. Furthermore, when bacteria interact with sugar, they produce acid. Frequent vomiting can also cause the expelled stomach acid to interact with teeth.
  • Abrasion or chewing things you shouldn’t: Outside forces like chewing pencils, ice, and fingernails can speed up tooth wear.

What are the Symptoms of Tooth Wear

When the enamel of the tooth wears down, the person may experience the following:

  • Cracks or chips on the tooth surface
  • Indentations on molar chewing surfaces
  • Yellowing or discoloration
  • Transparent-looking tips of front teeth
  • Increased sensitivity
  • Teeth look noticeably smaller

How Do You Treat Severe Tooth Wear

Here are numerous dental cosmetic procedures to treat worn teeth. All of these procedures function to cover cracks and discoloration and change the shape of your teeth.

Dental Bonding

  • The Procedure: The procedure involves a tooth-colored composite resin. This putty-like material is shaped on top of the tooth to be anatomically correct and fix the tooth’s bite alignment. It also protects the tooth from sensitivity.
  • How Long Does the Procedure Take: The procedure takes one appointment to complete with no anesthesia needed in most cases.
  • How Long Does Dental Bonding Last: Typically 3-10 years.


  • The Procedure: A snug cap made from metal, ceramic, or a combination is worn over the worn tooth. Dental crowns are used when the tooth has a more severe case of wearing down. The tooth may need to be reshaped or filled to provide a stable foundation for the dental crown.
  • How Long Does the Procedure Take: The procedure takes two appointments. The first appointment is to create a custom mold for the worn tooth. The second appointment is to fit the dental crown with local anesthesia administered.
  • How Long Does Dental Bonding Last: Typically, 5-15 years.


  • The Procedure: Dental veneers involve a front cover for the teeth to reshape and mask their imperfections.
  • How Long Does the Procedure Take: The procedure takes two appointments. The first appointment is to create a custom mold for the worn tooth. The second appointment is to fit the veneer with local anesthesia administered.
  • How Long Does Dental Bonding Last: Typically, 5-15 years.

Can Tooth Enamel Grow Back

Because tooth enamel is not a living tissue, it can’t regenerate naturally. There is no technology yet where it can be regrown artificially either. However, enamel takes a long time to wear off. This means that you have time to prevent toothwearing from getting worse by improving your dental health.

How to Maintain Tooth Surface and Prevent Enamel Erosion

To prevent further tooth wear, the first thing to do is maintain good oral hygiene. American Dental Association recommends brushing teeth for about two minutes with fluoride toothpaste. Brushing your teeth too long can wear down the enamel. Below are measures that can be taken depending on the causes of tooth wear.

  • For Teeth Grinding

Our dentist can recommend and make a custom mouth guard. The mouth guard can be worn when you’re most likely to grind your teeth. Stress management, therapy and lifestyle changes can also reduce stress and anxiety that leads to bruxism.

  • For Erosion or Chemical Destruction

Aside from limiting sugary foods and drinks, avoid sticky or hard sweets as they linger inside the mouth longer. It’s best to eat sweets with a meal as it causes the mouth to produce more saliva to prevent sugar from sticking to the teeth. Gargling or drinking water washes away sugar and lessens the sugar inside the mouth. Wait for a minimum of 30 minutes before brushing your teeth, as the acidic sugar can weaken the enamel at that moment. The time period also helps the saliva to displace some of the acids.

  • For Abrasion or Chewing Things You Shouldn’t

If you have a habit of chewing your pen, we recommend sugar-free gum to promote saliva production, prevent plaque, and maintain oral health.

How Bellevue Dentist Repairs Worn Teeth

We hope to have informed you well on the steps taken to restore worn teeth. If you or your loved one have worn teeth, we are here to help you. Bellevue Dentist is here to accompany you on your dental journey to a better smile with personalized treatment and care. Our professional cosmetic dentists, Dr. Siamak Najafi has helped hundreds of patients achieve a better smile and dental quality of life. If you’re here or near Bellevue, Washington, don’t hesitate to call for a scheduled appointment today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can worn teeth be repaired?
A: Worn teeth can be repaired through cosmetic procedures such as dental bonding, crowns, and veneers. The dentist will recommend the best treatment depending on the patient’s dental goal and the severity of worn teeth.

Q: What is the cost of teeth grinding repair?
A: The cost will depend on the procedure and the number of worn teeth treated. Dental bonding a tooth can cost $100-$500. Dental crowns can cost $500-$3,000 for each tooth. Veneers can cost $400-$2,500 per tooth.

Q: How do you fix worn-down bottom front teeth?
A: Worn-down lower front teeth can be restored through dental bonding, crowns, or veneers. The procedure option will depend on the patient’s dental goal and the severity of worn teeth.

Q: What to do when enamel wears off teeth?
A:When the enamel wears off, it is best to consult with your dentist on what to do next. Proper oral hygiene is significant to prevent further worsening of enamel wearing off.

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