
Congenital Dental Conditions

Treating Congenital Dental Conditions

Not all dental conditions and diseases are the result of poor oral hygiene or care. In some cases, disorders occur due to genetics and can develop in later life or from birth. When dental conditions begin in childhood and are found to be caused by oral disease, they are known as congenital, meaning “from birth”, and can impact a person’s health throughout their life.

What are Congenital Dental Diseases?

Congenital dental defects are oral health issues that are present at birth or occur while still in the womb. Depending on the disease or condition, they can affect the development and structure of teeth, the jaws, and surrounding tissues within the mouth. Some congenital disorders can be caused by genetics while others develop due to environmental factors or both.


Disorder Types & Symptoms

Many congenital dental disorders can occur, differing in severity and symptoms. Below is a list of some congenital dental problems and their symptoms:

Ectodermal Dysplasia (ED)

This rare condition is a type of disorder affects the skin, hair, sweat glands, teeth, and nails. While it can be hereditary, there are cases where it develops without any family history of the disorder. Also, it's important to note that parents cannot be responsible for the gene mutation.

Symptoms include:

  • Thinner or softer-than-average tooth enamel, making tooth decay easier
  • Missing, pointed, glob-shaped, widely spaced, or smaller-than-normal teeth
  • Abnormally positioned teeth and jaw
  • Cleft lip or palate
  • Less than normal saliva, more frequent dry mouth

As it was mentioned, this condition can affect the mouth and teeth and a Prosthodontist is the best person to approach. Prosthodontists will evaluate the oral conditions and prepare a comprehensive treatment plan with and guide you through other dental specialties, if needed. And eventually they will be the one who will replace the missing teeth and fix the teeth.


  • Dental Implants can be used to replace individual teeth, providing stability and function similar to natural teeth.
  • Partial or complete dentures may be recommended to replace missing teeth and restore oral function for individuals with multiple missing teeth.

Cleidocranial Dysplasia (CCD)

A rare dental condition that affects the teeth, skull, spine, collarbones, and legs, making them more fragile than normal. CCD is present at birth and can occur randomly or be passed down from the parents, in either case, it's a genetic disorder that can cause:

  • Baby teeth do not fall out on their own
  • Extra teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Thin tooth enamel
  • Create impacted adult teeth that prevents other teeth from growing.


  • Braces and other orthodontic appliances can be used to address misalignment of teeth and improve the positioning of teeth.
  • In some cases, surgical procedures may be considered to address more severe skeletal abnormalities or to assist with the eruption of impacted teeth.

Amelogenesis Imperfecta (A)

A congenital condition that causes a rare and abnormal formation of the enamel, classified into subtypes depending on the clinical appearance of a person's teeth. For example, Type 1 is known as Hypoplastic and causes abnormal thinness in the enamel but makes it excessively hard, causing random pits and grooves.
Symptoms include:

  • Yellow, brown, gray, or white discoloration of teeth
  • Thin, soft, or brittle enamel
  • Extreme tooth sensitivity
  • Open bite
  • Uneven, lumpy, or rigid teeth


  • Crowns or veneers can be used to cover and more importantly protect the teeth affected by amelogenesis imperfecta. These restorations can improve the appearance and strength of the affected teeth.
  • Dental bonding may be used to improve the shape and color of affected teeth, applying a tooth-colored resin to the tooth surface and shaping it to match the natural tooth.

Dentinogenesis Imperfecta (DI)

Characterized by teeth that are translucent and discolored, usually blue to gray or yellow-brown, and weaker than normal teeth, this condition leads to more frequent tooth breaks and tooth loss. DI is caused by genetic changes that are inherited and symptoms begin appearing in childhood:

  • Abnormal dental roots
  • Reduced pulp chamber size in the tooth
  • Weak enamel
  • Spontaneous tooth fractures
  • Discoloring
  • Easy bruising


  • Similar to amelogenesis imperfecta, dental crowns can be used to cover and protect teeth affected by dentinogenesis imperfecta, providing strength and durability to the affected teeth.
  • Dental bonding may also be used to improve the look of affected teeth by applying resin to the tooth surface.


A congenital disease where a person is born without teeth and doesn't develop them. Anodontia often develops alongside other genetic conditions, like ectodermal dysplasia, and due to the lack of teeth can lead to gum damage and inadequate jawbone growth.


  • Dental implants are a common treatment option for individuals with anodontia, replacing missing teeth, and providing stability and functionality.
  • For cases where multiple or all teeth are missing, dentures (removable or implant-supported) may be recommended to restore the appearance and function of the missing teeth.


Find Treatment and Management Here

If you’re searching for a dentist in Bellevue to help treat a congenital condition, look no further than the team at Bellevue Dentist.

Dr. Siamak Najafi is an accomplished dentist and a Prosthodontist who has trained with the world’s leading dental pioneers. He has treated several cases with congenital conditions. After gathering all necessary information, he will sit down with you to go over possible treament options and finds what’s best for you by considering different factors.

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