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Tips and tricks for a more beautiful smile

A beautiful smile is all about healthy teeth, but like a magnificent work of art, framing matters. 

As we venture outdoors and leave masks behind this summer there are a few ways to make sure you put your best smile forward. 

Brighter Teeth

If it’s time to bring a sparkle back to your smile and make your teeth a little whiter, Dr. Jayne offers a no-fuss, in-office procedure for instant results or a professional-grade, take-home option. 

More Than Lip Service  

A dazzling smile invites us in and draws the eye. But, dry and cracked lips from sun and aging can ruin the effect. The good news is that it’s easy to restore the suppleness and moisture to our lips, even in the driest weather. 

Weekly—Exfoliate your lips

Lips are such an important part of our bodies, but how they suffer. In the winter, the dry heat from furnaces causes them to chap, while frequent sun exposure in the summertime dries them out. Some people lick their lips frequently, which strips moisture from lips. It’s easy to clear the dead skin from your lips by exfoliating them. There are over-the-counter products that will do the job, but you can find DIY solutions in your very own home. Start by applying some moisturizer to your lips then use a clean toothbrush to brush over your lips. Here’s a DIY lip scrub and exfoliation tutorial video.

Daily—Use Lip Balm 

Sun, heat and UV rays can wreak havoc on your lips. Keep a good moisturizing lip balm close at hand to make your lips soft and supple. There’s a wide array to choose from, and some even have color. Just find one with ingredients that lock in moisture, like glycerin, and occlusive agents like beeswax and shea butter which prevent the moisture from evaporating. 

Don’t forget the SPF

Lips have very little melanin which makes them even more vulnerable to the damaging effects of UV rays. Keep your lips healthy and cancer free by applying a lip balm with SPF included. Dermatologists recommend using a minimum of SPF 15, but the higher, the better.

Put On Some Color

Lip care is just the first step. For a really inviting smile, adding the right color to your lips enhances the whiteness of your teeth. 

Go Red

There’s a reason red lips have never fallen out of fashion, but not all reds are created equal. To really make your smile shine, look for a red lipstick with a blue undertone. For darker skin tones, you’ll find that going for a dark purple really complements your smile. 

Avoid Light Colors

Bright colors may draw attention to the whiteness of your teeth, and light-colored lipsticks do the opposite. Steer clear of lighter colors which wash out your smile. 

Just Say No Matte. Gloss Your Lips Instead. 

Mattes might be a current style choice, but they can make your lips appear dry. Instead, add some gloss on top of your lip color of choice. Gloss adds additional moisture to lips and gives a more youthful appearance. 

Get ready to flash those pearly whites and show off your smile this summer. Contact Dr. Jayne for a consultation at 425-644-2205.

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