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5 ways to prepare for major dental work

Major dental work is rarely part of anyone’s plan, but there are some smart ways to prepare for your treatment. 

If major dental work is part of your plans in the next twelve months, you might be feeling some stress as you finalize your decisions. Good for you for thinking ahead.  Advance planning can go a long way in easing your anxiety and ensuring a quicker recovery. Follow these five simple ways to prepare for upcoming oral surgery, restorative treatment, or cosmetic dentistry work:

  1. Ask your dentist what to expect

We want you to be well-informed about what to expect from your upcoming visit. Before undertaking any work, Dr. Jayne will explain your treatment in full, including all the benefits, any possible risks, and what medicines you’ll want on hand afterward. This will help you to mentally and physically prepare, plan and recover from the work done during your visit.

  1. Sedation considerations

If you feel anxious about your upcoming dental procedure, Dr. Jayne is certified and experienced in sedation dentistry. Sedation care is an established and effective way to reduce stress and anxiety many of us experience with dental care, especially longer procedures. Sedation care offers the added benefit of allowing Dr. Jayne to complete treatment in less time, which can improve recovery time. Talk to Dr. Jayne to learn if sedation care is right for you. And if you do opt for this procedure, you’ll want to arrange to have a companion accompany you to and from your dental visit. 

  1. Food considerations 

If you’ve ever had a surgical procedure, you know the administration of anesthesia often requires fasting beforehand. We’ll let you know what to expect and how to prepare properly before your visit. Food considerations should also to be taken into account after your visit. Dr. Jayne and our care team provide you, and your companion, with guidance prior to treatment. For some basic ideas about what groceries to have on hand, we like the American Dental Association’s website.

  1. Help. When you really need somebody

Surgeries and longer dental procedures require adequate time and rest to heal. Dr. Jayne will explain what to expect and what measures to take to ensure a rapid recovery. Above all, you’ll want to take it easy when you get home. Skip the household chores and make sure you have food you can eat in the house. In many cases, we recommend a companion be on hand to help care for you for a day or two after your dental treatment. 

  1. Follow up appointments

For certain dental procedures, Dr. Jayne may ask you to come in for one or more follow-up appointments. We’ll make arrangements with you in advance to get those follow-up visits scheduled.  

To schedule your dental treatment with Dr. Jayne, contact us today. 

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