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Veneers—Your Questions Answered

Veneers have been providing that movie star smile since the earliest days of the silver screen. Developed as temporary costuming for actors in the late 1920’s, veneers are now a more permanent fixture in our society. Now more of us, whether we’re in the public’s eye or the star of our own show, want to look our very best. 

If you’re considering veneers here are few things to help make your decision easier.

What is a veneer exactly?

A dental or tooth veneer is a thin layer of material that is bonded to the front surface of your tooth. Unlike crowns which completely cover teeth, veneers are a less invasive way to improve the appearance of teeth and provide a more youthful smile.

Who should consider veneers?

Veneers are often suggested to dental patients who have cosmetic concerns about their smiles. The reasons people most commonly opt for veneers are to cover imperfections such as:

  • Broken or chipped front teeth
  • Severely discolored teeth that are resistant to whitening treatments
  • Enlarging teeth that are too small
  • Fixing gaps in teeth in lieu of orthodontic braces
  • Covering pointed or unusual teeth

What types of veneers are best for you?

There are two types of veneers from which to choose: porcelain and resin composite. Both types are permanently bonded to your teeth. And each style will make your smile shine even more brightly. If you are trying to decide between composite and porcelain, there are key differences to take into account.

Porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers are the most favored option because their translucent shine looks like natural teeth. However, you’ll have to wait at least a week for porcelain veneers to be made. For porcelain veneers, you’ll need a couple of visits with Dr. Jayne to design your smile.  

Some of the benefits of porcelain veneers:

  • Porcelain is more durable and more resistant to chipping and staining 
  • Porcelain veneers last longer and can remain in place for 15 years or more
  • Porcelain is a better option for people who have more significant tooth damage, very crooked teeth or teeth with very dark stains
  • Porcelain is biocompatible; it bonds with your natural tooth enamel 


  • Some porcelain veneers require reshaping of your natural teeth. This makes porcelain veneers a more permanent and invasive solution than composite veneers
  • Porcelain is more expensive than composite

There have been advances in certain types of porcelain veneers that provide a more attractive option for some. DURAthin porcelain veneers are made from a special technique that allows them to sit naturally on top of existing teeth without looking thick or bulky. They adhere directly to the front of teeth without having to reshape or shave teeth down. That means that if the need arises, they can easily be repaired, replaced or even removed.

Composite veneers

Composite veneers are made from resin and perfectly match the color of your teeth. They can be molded directly onto your teeth or made from a mold of your teeth. They do a beautiful job of covering up most aesthetic problems.

Benefits of composite veneers:

  • Some composites are molded directly onto your teeth, so they take less time to place
  • Composite veneers cost less than other options
  • Because they are applied on top of your teeth, they can be repaired or removed


  • Composites are more prone to staining and chipping. They do need to be repaired or replaced more frequently than porcelain veneers
  • Typically, composite veneers last 5-8 years
  • Composite veneers tend to have less translucency than porcelain veneers

Are Veneers the Best Option for You?

Veneers are a wonderful dental care option to enhance the health and appearance of your smile. But veneers aren’t the best option for treating a number of dental conditions. So, it is important to meet with Dr. Jayne for a consultation.  

Your veneer consultation is comprehensive. It includes a one-on-one meeting with Dr. Jayne.  He will talk with you about your health, lifestyle, and your goals for your appearance.  Dr. Jayne works in partnership with you to design a treatment plan for your new smile. You consult on all of the aspects like tooth shape, coloring, and points of distinction. Once you and Dr. Jayne share a clear vision of what you would like, Dr. Jayne presents your treatment plan. It includes the plans for your new smile, options for phased care, and pricing for treatment. 

You might also like to know that our lab partners are local, and all dental materials, including veneers, are made in the USA. 
If you’re ready to take the next step, we would love to see you for a veneer consultation.  Please schedule your consultative visit by calling us at 425-644-2205 or by sending an online visit request.

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